Our devices, supported by scientific studies from reputable institutions, has been proven to enhance the quality of crops in agriculture. Research validates the claims of increased yield and improved quality for a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grain crops. Explore the advantages of utilizing energized water to boost yield and optimize profits.
Limescale and corrosion from hard water can hinder irrigation. When relying on borewell water for farming, prioritize enhancing water quality. Use Water Vitality units to transform borewell water into naturally smooth and conditioned water, preventing scaling issues in pipes.
Thousands of farmers ask, "How to enhance soil fertility?" The answer lies in the natural and sustainable use of Water Vitality powered by Jiva Water Devices. Water Vitality devices, such as agriculture conditioners, improve soil structure, facilitating crop growth and mineral absorption.
Farmers across the country are experiencing increased crop yields with improved water quality, courtesy of Water Vitality Devices. Recognizing the pivotal role of water in agriculture, our sustainable and proven natural water conditioners enhance crop yields by 30% – 40%.
Our vision is to establish a world where revitalized water enriched with life energy becomes an integral part of life for all living entities, supporting their well-being and vitality across the globe.
To make the “Water Vitality” the default standard for water in Australia and New Zealand