Cells form the basis of all living entities, depending on proper hydration to perform their numerous roles, such as generating energy and eliminating waste. True hydration at the cellular level is about more than just consuming a certain amount of water every day or drinking when the urge strikes; it's about making sure that water is thoroughly absorbed by the cells, enabling them to prosper and operate at their best.
Water is thought to possess unique, non-chemical properties described as Life Energy or Prana, with higher frequencies that aid in cellular absorption, crucial for digestion, energy creation, and waste expulsion. Though unseen, this vital force represented in water through positive vibrations and energy is essential for sustaining life's various processes.
Our vision is to establish a world where revitalized water enriched with life energy becomes an integral part of life for all living entities, supporting their well-being and vitality across the globe.
To make the “Water Vitality” the default standard for water in Australia and New Zealand